Back Health

Back Health

Back pain is one of the most common medical problems in the United States. Knowing your risk factors while being proactive by practicing self car tips can help protect your back and keep you feeling your best.

Risk Factors

Age: Back is more common with age, especially after you turn 45. Be Proactive!

Inactivity: Weak or inactive back and stomach (“core”) muscle can attribute to back pain over time.

Weight Gain: Excess body weight puts extra stress on your back and joints.

Job-Related: Jobs requiring heavy lifting, twisting, or pulling may put undue stress on the back and put on at a higher risk to experience an injury. Also, Desk jobs or jobs with prolonged sitting (driving) can also cause problems due to inactivity and poor posture.

Self Care Tips

Movement Breaks: Avoid staying in the same position for prolonged periods. Take breaks to stand, move around, or stretch. This will help to keep blood flow moving throughout the body. Ideally, you should move for three minutes every hours.

Muscle Activation: Muscular imbalances can cause certain muscles to be overactive and other muscles to be inactive which can lead to pain over time. Click here for a reference sheet of muscular activation exercises.

Stretch: Stretching is a simple technique to help promote blood flow to the muscles, relieve tension built up over time, and elongate muscles that are overactive. Click here for a reference sheet of stretches.

Posture: Maintaining proper body alignment is vital for your back health. Be mindful of your posture throughout your day when you are standing and sitting. Click here for a reference sheet on posture.